Friday, January 4, 2013

Let's cut a rug

We've not long moved into our (first ever!) new flat and while we've got some main pieces of furniture the rooms still need the extras that make it homely, like rugs. And so, with time on my hands over xmas and lying turgid from too much cheese and mince pies, I launched 'mission rug research', I think I have delved deeper into the world of rugs than anyone really needs to and have found loads I love but can't afford and one that I really really like and can just about stretch the budget to. Here are my top picks of the rug world including the one I've settled on ....

Mr Fox Rug from £149/£239

Vapor by Calvin Klein from £299 - £1,199 

Sybil Diamond Blue by Jonathon Adler from £420 - £6,110

Dynasty by Doris Leslie Blau from £poa

Abacus by Fiona Curran from £920 - £13,325

Cubizzmo Bech by Second Studio from £653

Ikat from £poa

Blue Lulu by Madeline Weinrib from £poa